DIY Pizza Stone Cut to Size

The Essentials

Every pizza lover knows that successful pizza-making involves a lot of practice and the best ingredients.

However, the process also requires high-quality equipment. Namely, a pizza stone cut to size.

This baking surface is specifically used for this pursuit, is a piece of equipment that every chef should own.

This piece of equipment is highly important in the cooking process. These products can raise the temperature of your oven, especially if you are using a regular oven or grill.

Additionally, these products can also make the crust crispier by reducing the moisture of the dough.

It is easy enough to buy a mass-manufactured baking surface, but nothing can beat a homemade pizza stone cut to size.

This guide will help you create your own, suitable for your baking endeavors.


A pizza stone is one of the most basic pieces of equipment used in cooking pizza. These are tools that come in various forms.

However, they are also generally expensive and fragile at the same time.

Sometimes, it is also hard to find stones that match the specifications you are looking for.

These are the main reasons why so many people are choosing to make their own pizza stone cut to size.

Not only will you be able to customize it, but you will also be able to build one by yourself for a fraction of what the products on the market cost.

Creating this tool requires a lot of effort when it comes to gathering the materials and equipment.

But, it will also be extremely rewarding once you succeed in making your ideal product.


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